vrijdag 16 november 2007


Amerikanen hebben een probleem. Een overgewicht probleem. Dit is hier in de mid wst duidelijk te zien. 1 op de vier menen heeft een serieus (en gevaarlijk) overgewicht. Veel Amerikanen weten dan ook niet wat ze eten en hoe ze moeten eten. Het bedrijf waar ik nu werk helpt ze een handje:

How to Order Foods When Eating Out

When eating out, cooking methods can add fat and calories to seemingly “healthy” food. Identifying how the meal you are about to order is prepared can help you avoid these unhealthy options and choose healthier alternatives.

Healthy Cooking Methods
When ordering from a menu, look for the following cooking methods that limit the addition of extra fat and calories while preserving the original nutritional content.

Here are definitions of some of the most common forms of healthy food preparation.
Baked – Food cooked in the oven. Food is cooked slowly with gentle heat, causing the natural moisture to evaporate slowly, concentrating the flavor (potatoes, chicken, fish).
Broiled – Food cooked directly under or over a heat source, usually in the oven under the top broiling element or on the grill (meats).
Grilled – Cooked on a rack directly over hot coals or other heat source (vegetables and meats).
Roasted – Food placed on a flat or V-shaped rack in a shallow, deep square or oval roasting pan for cooking in an oven (vegetables and meats).
Steamed – Cooked over boiling water in a covered pan, this method keeps foods’ shape, texture, and nutritional value intact better than methods such as boiling (vegetables, rice).

Cooking Methods to Avoid
Unfortunately, there are many cooking methods that, during the cooking process, add fat or calories to the food being prepared. Eating food prepared using these methods should be avoided if you are trying to eat healthy.
Breaded – Food covered with bread crumbs before cooking (breaded meats, mozzarella sticks, onion rings, etc.).
Buttered – Cooked in butter or with butter on it (vegetables).
Creamed – Prepared or cooked in a cream sauce (Fettuccini Alfredo, creamed corn/spinach, etc.).
Fried – Food cooked in hot cooking oil, usually until a crisp brown crust forms (meats, French Fries, rice, etc.)

These cooking methods involve using fats or oils in the preparation or cooking which greatly increase the amount of fat and calories eaten. Frequently eating large amounts of foods prepared in these ways increase health risks. By avoiding these cooking methods while eating out you can reduce the amount of fat and calories."

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